Be Different

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As I read these two words, I began to think about what they mean. We, as a society, are intrigued by DIFFERENT. Whether it is technology, transportation, or clothing, we look for DIFFERENT. We make decisions many times in our life based on whether the the item is DIFFERENT in some way. There are many successful companies who became successful based on the concept of DIFFERENT. These successful companies realized to be successful they had to be willing to change. Change is hard at times. As I reminisce about Mediclaim Services, I realize we have had to change many times over the 21 years we have been in business. We had to be DIFFERENT than the other guy to be competitive. The differences were subtle but they were important to many of our potential clients. As an example, we always made sure that our clients received the best customer service we could offer. Many times as I would make sales calls to potential clients, their number one concern was customer service. We made the decision many years ago that we would have a dedicated customer service representative for each of our clients. We would not piece-work the information that we processed for our clients. What we found was that clients appreciated the fact that there was only one person who handled their account and they developed a close relationship with their rep. Again, it is the subtle things that make the difference. Dare to be DIFFERENT and the possibilities are endless.


Time is of the Essence.


Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover